More Player Models – Skinning Guide
No longer used since minecraft 1.6+
All the models added by this mod work with the normal minecraft skin.
To allow this mod to work certain pixels need to be specific colors. Those pixels will deside what model you are using.
Since all the models are the basic Minecraft skin with added or rescaled parts. People without the mod will see your normal skin
Please don’t just windows paint to edit skins. Instead use or gimp both are free (or ofcourse photoshop, but thats not free). Gimp is a bit more advanced than, but I usually use for simple skin editing.
After editing your skin you need to upload it to your profile.
Some of the models add extra body parts. If you dont want to show these body parts leave them empty.
This mod also makes it possible to have transparent pixels in your skin so you can make certain parts of the body invisible.
To enable the mod the pixel at 0x0 needs to be RGB:128,128,128 or #808080
You select a model by coloring the pixel at 1×0. What color to color them you’ll have to check out the different pages
At the 2×0 pixel can be desided what size the model is.
Size 4: Is slightly bigger than the default size. Color: RGB: 255,0,0 or #FF0000
Size 3: Is the default size
Size 2: Is slightly smaller than the default size. Color: RGB: 0,255,0 or #00FF00
Size 1: Is smaller than the default size. Color: RGB: 0,0,255 or #0000FF
Size 0: Is the smallest size. Color: RGB: 255,0,255 or #FF00FF
At the 3×0 pixel can be desided wheither you want to show the headwear or helmet
Display no helmet is Color: RGB: 255,0,0 or #FF0000
Display no headwear Color: RGB: 0,255,0 or #00FF00
Display no helmet and headwear Color: RGB: 255,255,0 or #FFFF00
At the 1×1 pixel you can deside the headsize and 2×1 the bellysize
Size 1: Color: RGB: 255,0,0 or #FF0000
Size 2: Color: RGB: 0,255,0 or #00FF00
Size 3: Color: RGB: 0,0,255 or #0000FF
Size 4: Color: RGB: 255,0,255 or #FF00FF
At the 0x1 pixel you can enable claws by coloring it RGB: 255,0,0 or #FF0000
Basic Template
Note: All these pixels need an alpha of 255 to work properly.