No longer used since minecraft 1.6+

Furry male #000080

The furry male is the same size as the regular minecraft model. The furry model is a little bit more advanced as the other models.

Furry female #0000FF

The furry female is the same size as the human female. The furry model is a little bit more advanced as the other models.


The small snout is the default snout.
The medium snout is activated if you color the pixel at 7×0 RGB:255,0,0 or #FF0000
The large snout is activated if you color the pixel at 7×0 RGB:0,255,0 or #00FF00
The bunny snout is activated if you color the pixel at 7×0 RGB:255,0,0 or #0000FF

The tail is enabled by default
The wings and dragon tail are activated if you color the pixel at 7×1 RGB:255,0,0 or #FF0000
The fin is activated if you color the pixel at 7×1 RGB:0,255,0 or #00FF00
The bunny ears are activated if you color the pixel at 7×1 RGB:0,0,255 or #0000FF
The Double tails are activated if you color the pixel at 7×1 RGB:255,0,255 or #FF00FF


Male dragon template
minecraft more player models dragon template

Female Bunny Template
minecraft more player models female bunny furry

Male Furry Large snout Template
minecraft more player models male furry
