Custom Npcs – Scripting in minecraft
Api Links
To use scripting you need to download one of the libraries below and put them in your mods folder.
- ECMAScript(more commenly know as javascript): You need java 8 or higher and go to your java/jre/lib/ext folder and copy the nashorn.jar to the mods folder
- Python: Download the standalone jar from the Jython website and put it in the mods folder.
- Lua: Download the from the Luaj website and put the lib/luaj-jse.jar into the mods folder.
- Ruby: Download the from the JRuby website and put the lib/jruby.jar into the mods folder.
There are probably more scripting languages available. These are just some examples. You can usually find them by googling: java scriptengine <your language name>
If there is any extra functionality you would like feel free to ask for it on the forums or join us on discord
Simple script example
Function | Event | Description |
init | NpcEvent.InitEvent | Called when the npc spawns or respawns |
tick | NpcEvent.UpdateEvent | Called as update tick (once every 10 ticks) |
interact | NpcEvent.InteractEvent | Called when a player interacts with the npc |
dialog | DialogEvent.OpenEvent | Called when a player opens a dialog from the npc |
dialogOption | DialogEvent.OptionEvent | Called when a player selects a dialog option |
dialogClose | DialogEvent.CloseEvent | Called when a player closes a dialog |
damaged | NpcEvent.DamagedEvent | Called when an npc gets attacked. Can be cancelled |
died | NpcEvent.DiedEvent | Called when an npc gets killed |
meleeAttack | NpcEvent.MeleeAttackEvent | Called when an npc is going to attack |
rangedLaunched | NpcEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent | Called when an npc fires a projectile |
target | NpcEvent.TargetEvent | Called when an npc targets something |
targetLost | NpcEvent.TargetLostEvent | Called when an npc looses his target |
kill | NpcEvent.KilledEntityEvent | Called when an npc kills something |
role | RoleEvent.* | Called by some roles |
collide | NpcEvent.CollideEvent | Called when an npc collides with an entity |
timer | NpcEvent.TimerEvent | Called when a timer finishes |
trigger | WorldEvent.TriggerEvent | Called when /noppes script trigger is used or ICustomNpc.trigger |
ScriptBlock/ScriptedBlockDoor events:
Function | Event | Description |
init | BlockEvent.InitEvent | Called when the block is created or loaded |
tick | BlockEvent.UpdateEvent | Called as update tick (once every 10 ticks) |
interact | BlockEvent.InteractEvent | Called when a player interacts with the block |
redstone | BlockEvent.RedstoneEvent | Called when the block receives a new redstone signal |
fallenUpon | BlockEvent.EntityFallenUponEvent | Called when an entity falls upon this block |
doorToggle | BlockEvent.DoorToggleEvent | Called when the scripteddoor gets opened/closed |
broken | BlockEvent.BreakEvent | Called when the block is broken |
exploded | BlockEvent.ExplodedEvent | Called when the block was blown up |
rainFilled | BlockEvent.RainFillEvent | Called when it rains sometimes |
neighborChanged | BlockEvent.NeighborChangedEvent | Called when a neighboring block is changed |
clicked | BlockEvent.ClickedEvent | Called when the block is clicked |
harvested | BlockEvent.HarvestedEvent | Called when a block is destroyed by a player |
collide | BlockEvent.CollidedEvent | Called when an entity collides with the block |
timer | BlockEvent.TimerEvent | Called when a timer finishes |
trigger | WorldEvent.TriggerEvent | Called when /noppes script trigger is used or IBlockScripted.trigger |
Player events:
Function | Event | Description |
init | PlayerEvent.InitEvent | Called when the player is created or loaded |
tick | PlayerEvent.UpdateEvent | Called as update tick (once every 10 ticks) |
interact | PlayerEvent.InteractEvent | Called when a player interacts with the block |
broken | PlayerEvent.BreakEvent | Called when a block is broken |
toss | PlayerEvent.TossEvent | Called when a player tosses an item on the ground |
pickUp | PlayerEvent.PickUpEvent | Called when a player picks up an item |
containerOpen | PlayerEvent.ContainerOpen | Called when a player opens a container |
containerClosed | PlayerEvent.ContainerClosed | Called when a player closes a container |
died | PlayerEvent.DiedEvent | Called when a player dies |
attack | PlayerEvent.AttackEvent | Called when a player left clicks |
kill | PlayerEvent.KilledEntityEvent | Called when a player kills an entity |
damaged | PlayerEvent.DamagedEvent | Called when a player gets damaged |
damagedEntity | PlayerEvent.DamagedEntityEvent | Called when a player damages an entity |
rangedLaunched | PlayerEvent.RangedLaunchedEvent | Called when a player shoots an arrow |
timer | PlayerEvent.TimerEvent | Called when a timer finishes |
login | PlayerEvent.LoginEvent | Called when a player logs in |
logout | PlayerEvent.LogoutEvent | Called when a player logs out |
chat | PlayerEvent.ChatEvent | Called when a player says something |
factionUpdate | PlayerEvent.FactionUpdateEvent | Called when a players faction points change |
dialog | DialogEvent.OpenEvent | Called when a player opens a dialog from the npc |
dialogOption | DialogEvent.OptionEvent | Called when a player selects a dialog option |
dialogClose | DialogEvent.CloseEvent | Called when a player closes a dialog |
questStart | QuestEvent.QuestStartEvent | Called when a player starts a quest |
questCompleted | QuestEvent.QuestCompletedEvent | Called when a player finishes all objectives of a quest |
questTurnIn | QuestEvent.QuestTurnedInEvent | Called when a player turns in a quest to get the rewards |
trigger | WorldEvent.TriggerEvent | Called when /noppes script trigger is used or IPlayer.trigger |
ScriptedItem events:
Function | Event | Description |
init | ItemEvent.InitEvent | Called when the item is created or loaded |
tick | ItemEvent.UpdateEvent | Called as update tick (once every 10 ticks) when item is in the inventory |
interact | ItemEvent.InteractEvent | Called when a player interacts with the block/entity or air |
attack | ItemEvent.AttackEvent | Called when a player left click on a block/entity or air |
toss | ItemEvent.TossEvent | Called when a player tosses the item on the ground |
spawn | ItemEvent.SpawnEvent | Called when a scripted item spawns into the world |
pickedUp | ItemEvent.PickedUpEvent | Called when a player picks up a scripted item |
Projectile events:
Function | Event | Description |
projectileTick | ProjectileEvent.UpdateEvent | Called as update tick (once every 10 ticks) |
projectileImpact | ProjectileEvent.ImpactEvent | Called when the projectile impacts an entity or block |
CustomGuis events:
Function | Event | Description |
customGuiClosed | CustomGuiEvent.CloseEvent | Called when the custom gui gets closed |
customGuiButton | CustomGuiEvent.ButtonEvent | Called when a custom gui button is pressed |
customGuiSlot | CustomGuiEvent.SlotEvent | Called when a custom gui slot is pressed |
customGuiScroll | CustomGuiEvent.ScrollEvent | Called when a custom gui scroll list is pressed |