Custom Npcs – Roles
Roles require players to actively interact with them, unlike jobs which are mostly passive
Trader- In the setup screen you can set what item is traded for what item
- Limit of 12 items
Video Tutorial
- In the setup screen you can set what how many days you can hire him for and how much that costs
- When he dies or when the days are over he will respawn at his starting point.
- Npcs set to the same bank are linked
- You can add multiple banks
- Banks can be set to start as a normal size chest and upgraded to a full sized chest
- Banks have 6 slots that can unlocked
- Can be assigned to a transport category
- Can be set to available from the start of available right away
- Transporters need to have a transport name
- Interacting with a transporter will show a list with discovered transport names
- Selecting a location and pressing travel will teleport you to it
- You can remove transport locations by double clicking their category in the global -> transport menu
- When interacted with a mailman you can send players mails
- Only players that have atleast once been near a player you can send mails to
- Dialogs and quests can send mails as well
- When players get near a mailman they get told if they have mail
- Interacting with a mailbox will let players read their mail
- Currently the only way to make one follow you is through a soul stone
- Only one can follow you at a time
- Shift right click to acces the inventory
- To eat a follower needs to sit down and have food in his inventory
- Still a work in progress, with plans to add more in the future
- A simplified way to add dialogs to an npc
- Can’t have a complicated dialog tree, just text and 6 options