Custom Npcs – Quest Setup
Steps to create a quest:
- Open the Global -> Quests
- You start with creating a category by pressing add
- Fill in a name and press Save
- Double click the category to go into it
- Here you can add quests to the category by pressing add
- A dialog has Quest Text(which is shown in the quest log) and Completion text (which is shown when you complete a quest)
- Currently quests have 2 types, Item quests and Dialog quests
- You have to specify who completes the quest in the Completer Npc field.
- After you have done all that you can go to your dialog and link the quest to it.
- If somebody reads the dialog the quest starts automagically
Item quest
- To complete this quest the players needs to have the items in his inventory
Dialog quest
- To complete this quest the player needs to have read the given dialogs
- These dialogs can be read before accepting the quest
Location quest
- You can give up 3 names
- These names need to be the same names as the location blocks you’ve put down
- When the player comes near these while he has the quest, it will mark it as found
- It the player has been near the blocks before he still needs to revisit them with the quest.
Kill quest
- You can select one of the entities or fill in an npc/player name
- The quest will complete after the player kills the given names/entities
Location quest
- Place down the location quest block and give it a name
- Set this name in the location quest
- When the player gets near the block it will complete for him
AreaKill quest
- The same as the Kill quest
- Only difference when an npc gets killed everyone near it get the kill in their quest log. Not just the one killing it.
Manul quest
- You can set objectives
- You can complete the objectives with scripting or using the command: /noppes quest objective <player> <quest> [objective] [value] (see commands page for more information)